
Register for this LIVE 3-Day WORKSHOP TODAY!

StartUp Success Grants & Funding Workshop


From Overlooked To Overbooked!

You Ever Feel Like You Need Someone To Say,

YOU CAN DO IT! I Was That Person!

I Needed Someone To Believe In Me. I was Groomed For Success.

Looking To Be Supported? We Help With Business Structure, Grant Proposals or Done-For-You. We Complete the Process.

We also offer 4-Week Training and Teach You To Do It!

You're in the Right Place!

I believe in You! I want You to succeed!

Cassandra McKissack

Business Consultant

Grant Strategist


October 7th - 28th, 2024

5:30 PM PST/7:30 PM CST/8:30 PM EST

Business Grant Blueprint

4-Week Training

Every Monday for 4 weeks

October 7-28, 2024 - 5:30pPST/7:30pCST/8:30pEST



How To Write Business Grants

This is Your Ultimate BUSINE$$ Grant BluePrint!

To Get You To Your Ultimate

Cash Flow Breakthrough!

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

I mean really! You’re spinning your wheels trying to get more clients and money!

Feeling like you are invisible in this sea of Entrepreneurs!

Oh honey, I feel you!

There was a time when I was banging my head against the wall, wondering why my calendar was as empty as a desert?

But guess what? I cracked the code! And I’m here to spill the tea on how you can do the same. NOW that I have your attention.


Like my mama would says, you snooze, you lose!

But, not you!

You come on in…let’s get it done!

About Me

I absolutely love being an Entrepreneuer and Coach ! Creating success for others is what I was born to do. I can help you do the same if you are willing to do what it takes.

I have several years of experience... However, in the beginning my story was definitely one of struggle and uncertainty. I needed cash too! I had a difficult time surviving due to low cash flow. Can you relate?

Yes, I got off to a rocky start. Mostly, because I had shiny object syndrome. How many can relate? I didn’t know what I didn’t know? And certainly didn't know where to look to get the cash I needed. I didn't want a loan. I was at a disadvantage for sure. Then my dad, whom I loved dearly, died during COVID. Then the overwhelm and questioning took on a life of its own.

Yes, life happens to all of us. I finally found a Coach and Mentor, I could relate to and who could explain the process of getting grants and how to research companies in a way that made sense to me. Although I had taught for many years I was not living a fulfilled life. Is that you? You're going through the motions but you want so much more!

I believe being an Entrepreneur and Coach is what I am called to do. I have learned many valuable lessons along the way as a Small Busine$$ 'Start up,' Most of all, I realized I needed personal development, mindset skills and accountability to be successful in this field.. There is so much to learn and understand in order to have a thriving career as a Entrepreneur Coach and Digital Creator.

Your Breakthrough is here! the strategies


Tools are available for you Now!

What You Will Learn and More...

You Got This… But What Keeps Triggering You?

Does Imposter Syndrome, Self Sabotage, Lack of Discipline and Analysis Paralysis keep you From Completely Showing Up? Discover How Your Fears, Personal Pain and Limiting Beliefs are Holding You Hostage as an Unfulfilled Entrepreneur.

How to find your Niche and identify the problem you solve. Plus Learn How to use Chat GPT to Level Up Your Coaching and Entrepreneur Experience so You Can Learn the Fundamentals of Grant & Funding For Start Ups and Anyone Who Needs to Learn.

Securing grants and funding is vital for startup success. This session covers the essential steps to obtain financial support by researching to identify suitable grants, understanding eligibility, and crafting a persuasive action plan. Learn to leverage these resources to fuel your business growth and achieve your coaching and entrepreneurial goals.


Bonuses🎁 Available in Fbgroup

Are You Grant/Fund Ready Checklist

StartUp Success Grants & Funding Workshop

I am offering this spectacular FREE Workshop as a guiding post to help you understand how you can do it. I have walked in your shoes in part and want you to be successful! Let me walk you through this process and help you to get it. So, get up, show up to go up! It’s time to do it NOW! ✈️


I know you are ready for more, that’s why you are here. You want the skillset, toolset and mindset skills to do a great job for those you desire to help in your business, right?

You are here to make a difference.

and offer a reasonable effort to get the job done.

You will feel satisfied knowing you did your best because what you desire is excellence and not perfection.

Perfectionism actually stiffles people and puts them in a stuck position because it frustrates your efforts.

are you ready for change?

This isn’t just any Workshop, my friends.

This is your golden ticket to:

  • Attract clients like bees to honey, they just can’t get enough!

  • Make the shift from perfectionism to experimentation.

  • Digital Marketing Strategies.

  • Leverage AI Tools to Boost your coaching mojo with confidence galore.

  • Stand out like a flamingo in a flock of pigeons, unique and fabulously you!

$2,997 Value


Register for this Live Event Now

This is for you if 😍

❤️New and Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Mentors, Course Creators and Authors Seeking Clarity: Elevate your business game by gaining the confidence to approach potential clients with assurance. Unlock the secrets to presenting yourself as an expert in your field and attracting clients effortlessly.

❤️Experienced Coaches and Entrepreneurs Looking to Expand Clientele: Propel your to new heights by learning proven strategies to consistently attract and retain clients. Uncover the key principles that will make you the go-to business and coach in your niche, ensuring a steady stream of clients seeking your expertise.

❤️Coaches and Entrepreneurs Struggling with Self-Belief: Overcome self-doubt, imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Discover powerful and confident mindset shifts and practical techniques to cultivate unwavering self-belief, allowing you to present yourself authentically and magnetically to potential clients.

This is NOT for you if 😭

❌Seek Quick Fixes Without Effort: If you're looking for shortcuts or overnight success without putting in the work to develop your skills and mindset, this Workshop may not be the right fit for you. Success in Business requires dedication and continuous improvement.

❌Are Content with the Status Quo: If you're satisfied with your current coaching methods and client acquisition strategies, and not open to exploring innovative approaches that can significantly boost your success, this workshop may not align with your goals.

❌Prefer Generic and One-Size-Fits-All Solutions: If you believe that generic advice can address your unique coaching challenges, this workshop may not be suitable. We're focused on providing tailored insights and strategies that resonate with your individual coaching style, entrepreneurial and business objectives.

Copyright © 2024 Cassandra McKissack • All Rights Reserved